Original Scenes in Shingeki No Kyojin
Hajime Isayama is the brilliant mind behind both the writing and illustration of the iconic Attack on Titan anime and manga series. The journey of this epic tale began with its first manga issue on September 9, 2009, and after 11 years of captivating publication, the manga concluded in 2021.
The anime adaptation made its debut in Japan on April 7, and the grand finale of the series was recently released on November 5, 2023. Undoubtedly, Attack on Titan stands as one of the most popular and influential anime series of its time. The narrative unfolds in a world where humanity is compelled to reside within three colossal walls, seeking protection from the menacing giants known as titans that lurk beyond.
The titans, humanoid creatures with an insatiable appetite for humans, lack rationality, perpetually posing a threat to those confined within the protective barriers. The narrative takes shape with three friends, including the protagonist Eren, living within the confines of the wall. Armin, one of Eren’s friends, unveils the mysteries of the world outside the wall, setting the stage for a tale filled with violence, love, manipulation, and an unwavering fighting spirit. The series is a comprehensive package, boasting excellent animation that captivates viewers.
However, despite its many strengths, the ending of the series left some aspects unexplained and unanswered. This left a sense of lack in the closure of certain storylines and raised questions, contributing to a mixed reception among fans.
The anticipation for the final season of Attack on Titan reached a peak among anime enthusiasts, eagerly awaiting the conclusion of the epic series. However, disappointment struck when the announcement came that the season would culminate with just two episodes, leaving fans yearning for more closure. Despite this setback, fans, both anime viewers and manga readers, anxiously anticipated the release, hoping for answers to lingering questions.
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Manga readers, in particular, were intrigued as the original manga’s ending had been a source of controversy. They were curious to see how the anime adaptation would navigate and, potentially, alter the contentious conclusion.
While the anime had faithfully followed the manga in its earlier seasons, certain scenes were censored, added, or modified to enhance the storytelling. Hajime Isayama, the creator, confirmed that he made slight changes to the ending to offer readers a clearer and more comprehensible conclusion.
The Changes In Anime
The iconic moment when Annie, one of the most formidable titans in Season 1, reveals her identity, remains etched in the minds of many anime fans. After annihilating Levi’s squad, Annie cunningly disguises herself to capture Eren.
The scouts eventually deduce Annie’s true identity and force her into a situation where she must transform into a titan. While the manga didn’t portray anything extraordinary, the anime took it a step further by illustrating Annie’s maniacal laughter, injecting additional depth into the scene and intensifying the tension for viewers.
This portrayal solidified Annie’s position as one of the more formidable villains in the series. Interestingly, this impactful scene was initially omitted from the manga, a decision that Isayama later regretted, leading him to ensure its inclusion in the anime adaptation.
The anime adaptation of Attack on Titan made certain changes in the order of the chapters, although both the manga and anime shared the same major plot points. These alterations involved reordering and adjusting the placement of certain plot elements, aimed at creating a more dramatic and narratively fluid series.
The intention behind these changes was to enhance the storytelling for the anime and to provide a unique viewing experience. Hajime Isayama himself acknowledged that some manga chapters were not positively received by readers during the series. One notable example is the revelation of Ymir’s past, which occurred earlier in the anime compared to the manga, offering viewers a deeper insight into the character’s backstory sooner.
Another instance involves the scene featuring the scouts in Marley, which in the anime is shown after the alliance escapes on a boat. In the manga, this revelation takes place at the beginning of Eren’s rumbling. These strategic adjustments in the anime’s narrative flow aimed to engage the audience and offer a fresh perspective on the familiar storyline.

When discussing Attack on Titan, the unavoidable element is its inherent violence. The series is marked by gruesome scenes and numerous character deaths. However, during the initial seasons, some of the violent sequences from the manga were altered in the anime. The studio believed that these scenes were too intense, opting for censorship.
Yet, many fans argue that these intense moments should have been faithfully depicted, asserting that violent scenes contribute to the depth of the anime. Interestingly, the stance on violence shifted with the fourth season, where the depiction of brutality was notably increased. For instance, during the death of Marco, the anime censored his torn half-body by strategically placing another soldier in the frame.
Another instance is Carla’s death (Eren’s mother), where the anime portrayed her being consumed by the Smiling Titan. In the manga, the death was even more brutal, with the titan gruesomely taking her life by chewing, and Carla’s leg protruding from its mouth. The decision to censor these scenes was made by the studio heads, considering the potential impact on the viewers.
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“In addition to these changes, several other scenes were altered or added by Isayama to enhance the storytelling in the anime. Notable examples include Eren’s berserk mode in the first season while fighting Annie, which was not present in the manga.
The dialogue between Eren and Armin in the finale on Paths was considered a much-needed improvement over the poorly received dialogue in the manga. Erwin’s romantic history, briefly depicted in the manga, was not in the anime.
The ending and post-credit scenes were also modified for a more impactful storytelling experience. Isayama changed all these things so that fans will get a better understanding of the story and enjoy the series more. However, despite these efforts, I feel that many aspects remained unanswered, and the ending did not meet my expectations.”