Carrie Pilby poster

Even Carrie Pilby Was Not Exempted

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Prodigy Or Not, But A Lady!

First off, the lead character in the film, Carrie Pilby, is a brilliant young woman who battles to make friends and establish herself in society. She questions the gender roles’ double standards and societal expectations of women throughout the entire movie. She challenges conventional gender norms and expectations, questioning, for instance, why males can engage in casual sex but not women.

The movie also looks at problems surrounding women’s empowerment and the significance of having control over one’s own life. In contrast to conforming to societal expectations, Carrie’s path throughout the movie is one of self-discovery and learning to embrace her own strengths and talents.

Not to mention, the movie discusses the importance of consent as well as sexual harassment. After Carrie confronts a male character who has been harassing her and other women, the movie finally gets across the point that women shouldn’t have to put up with such behavior.

Being lonely isn’t about wanting to be with other people—it’s about wanting to be with people who really care about you.”

CY walking with Carrie Pilby

Bel Powley’s character, Carrie Pilby, is the movie’s lead. Despite being a genius and prodigy at the age of 19, Carrie is socially awkward and finds it difficult to relate to people of her own generation. She is jaded and finds it difficult to trust others, naturally because in a way the movie shows how her professor lured her into a relationship ignoring that she was still a teenager and crossed his institutional boundaries. 

This film with ease shows a prodigy like Carrie Pilby confused in her personal life, it clearly shows that sometimes society will not make exceptions. 

What If This Was The Plot:

What if Carrie Pilby was born in a third-world country and there is nothing such thing as a therapist? 

Well, this brings us to the issues of developing and underdeveloped nations that cannot afford to lose such child prodigies and at the same time they do not have many resources to save them, it’s high time we come into the picture…

Yes, then instead of Dr. Petrov, you would have saved that young girl!

Carrie Pilby in a taxi

The movie’s story follows Carrie as she attempts to figure out life after college. Dr. Petrov assists Carrie as she sets out to accomplish a list of objectives that will enable her to interact with others and discover her purpose in life. Along the way, she makes new pals like Tony, Matt, and Professor Harrison and picks up wisdom about friendship, trust, and the value of being present at the moment. At the end of the movie, Carrie comes to the realization that her life is better than she could have ever envisioned and that true happiness can only be found in the people she loves and the memories she makes with them.

As a whole, Carrie Pilby can be considered a feminist movie because it challenges gender expectations, encourages women to take charge of their own destinies, and forces them to stand up for themselves in the face of social pressure.

Also Read: Whisper Of The Heart, A Movie About Career And Love

 According to our Scopo-Meter, we check the following in this movie:

Category Out Of 5
PLOT 3.5

FilmScopes thank the movie makers for making a movie describing the challenges faced by child prodigies especially if they are in a body of a lady.

This film gives us the hope that there is a brighter side to life and every human deserves to feel and live that side of life.

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