A couple in swim suit

Reminiscing the era of rom-coms with ‘Anyone But You’

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Anyone But You

takes us back to the 2000s, the era of rom-coms and dramas that have a special place in our hearts. Will Gluck’s fun banter at making this year’s biggest rom-com has become the talk of the town as the film has earned over 200 million dollars globally. With audience members watching the movie at theatres and giving it all their love, the studio reconsidered the possibility of making a sequel to continue the story of Ben and Bea.

One of the factors that make the movie watchable is the unbelievable chemistry between Sydney Sweeny and Glenn Powell. The film is co-produced by Sydney herself, it also stars Never Have I Ever fame Darren Barnet, Alexandra Shipp, Dermot Mulroney, and Michele Hurd. Loosely based on ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ by William Shakespeare.



Character Description


Ben, played by Glen Powell is a well-to-do, good-looking gentleman who is 29 years old but looks older than he is. Well, can’t really blame him because as Michelle Hurd says in the movie “No one is ever 29”. He says he is a great swimmer but only when it’s short distances.

Beatrice aka Bea who is quick, witty, and funny is a future lawyer but isn’t really sure whether she should pursue the path or not. She gets afraid when things get real but that’s what makes her more relatable.



On her way back from the University, Beatrice aka Bea enters a coffee shop to use their restroom but apparently, you have to buy something from the shop first. Even after throwing some state laws regarding customer rights at them, Bea fails to convince the coffee shop employee to get her the keys to the restroom. The employee doesn’t even budge let alone worry about some restroom law!

Seeing this Ben comes to the rescue, pretending that she is her wife, and buys her a coffee, directing the employee to give up the restroom keys. This small interaction instantly sparks a connection between them. Ben and Bea go out on a date on the very same day.

They spend the entire day together talking to each other, after a meaningful date Bea ends up sleeping on Ben’s couch. But she sneaks out without explaining as she freaks out. Ben assumes that she isn’t just interested, his friend Pete makes fun of him that he is in love with this girl as he tells her about his late mother.

Realising that she made a mistake Bea runs back to his place, onto sees Ben having a dispute with Pete. All she heard him say was “I couldn’t get her out of here sooner, the girl is a mess!”
Six months later, Ben and Bea cross their paths again as Bea’s sister Claudia is getting married to Pete’s sister Halle.

Despite hating each other’s guts and constantly going after each other. They realize that they are killing the vibe with their arguments and negative aura.

Pete’s family comes up with a plan to make them like each other and orchestrates a path which is. Let’s just say not very subtle! Bea and Ben saw their plan from a mile away but Bea tells Ben to use this opportunity to get what they want which is for Bea to get her parents off her back who are constantly trying to fix her relationship with Jonathan (her ex; Darren Barnet). and as for Ben, he wants to give another go at his relationship with his ex Margaret who has a boyfriend.


Also Read Sydney Sweeny Reveals About “A High Nine Chance” Of Anyone But You Sequel



Eventually, Ben and Bea get to know each other better and apologize for the things they pulled off on their first meeting. They liked each other from the start but life isn’t a straight road, is it? These two angry birds fall in love with each other but things don’t end here. Things get messy when Bea’s parents find out that she has left law school which she was a secret she tells only to Ben.

After a complicated fight, realizing that Bea is the one for her, he does everything in his power to find Bea who leaves Halle and Claudia’s wedding. He finds Bea and confesses his love for her in a not-so-traditional way. As he makes his entry on a rescue helicopter. Ben’s amazing chemistry with Bea makes us love their character more and more.

Their impulsive acts to jump whenever one of them is in trouble is something that we don’t get to witness every day. They teach us to not wait on Love. In fact fight for it.


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